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Safe, Supportive, Affordable, Fun Flying

Gallery 4 - Working Bee August 2008

The new gate Andy and Barney made. Breathtaking bush art!

Ion arrives

A little snow in the distance

Ion get the Jab out and puts the Corby away

Then Ion wimps out of the work to take Gitta off to Tumut to do his BFR.

Gitta is pretty happy about getting out of work too

Jab's away

Most of the work centered around getting the toilets cleaned up

Took some doing too

Cutting off the lift brackets

This one was gutted. It will be the disabled toilet

Ion and Adrian digging for nuggets

Hard yakka

An earlier shot of the cleared site

Ion and Gitta return

Later the departures begin

One more arrival though - Alan bringing the Sapphire to its new home

Ion ready to roll

Flashback to the Starlet's first flight - circa 1913

Adrian prepares Andy's Tecnam - once we jump-started it

Doesn't Adaminaby look nice in the setting sun?

Barely rolling and the nose is up

An aerial view of the cleared site before the hangars went up


    © Snowy River Aviators 2008